Language Settings Functionality:

Personalize every text field for a unique touch like edit button labels, descriptions and more to align with your brand's voice.


  • Header Text: Customize your app's header with personalized text for a unique and a personalized touch.
  • Sub Header Text: Create customisable sub headers for clear purpose and contents included in the box.
  • Order Detail Text: Represents the order details text to be displayed.


  • To display and edit the text for the steps of the builder according to your desired text.

Builder Body

  • Similar to Sidebar allowing to change the text on the builder body step.

Builder Items

  • Customize every aspect of your builder items with ease, from box button text to product details like delivery dates and availability status.

Sticky Panel

  • Edit or change the text for Sticky Panel for a personalised touch.


  • Choose and include validations according to your preference for various fields.

Preview Settings Text

  • Create and add exclusive text to the Preview Cart Added text for personalised view.

Preview Remove Popup Text

  • Add personalised text for removal of the box.

Preview Remove Item Popup Text

  • Add personalised text for removal of any products from the box.

Multiple Box Setting

  • Explore the text settings for the multiple boxes function and change it to your preference.

Speak their language by updating the Language Settings to your builder for a personalised touch.